Mourning Pillows

I have decided to do something that I would of loved to have when Nellie passed away. But what is so so special about this, is that one can get this “Mourning” pillow whenever post passing of a loved animal! This pillow is super soft and can be personalized!

My first prototype of my “Mourning Pillows” I have a lot of work to do but I am super excited about this! Customer has the option to put ashes in pillow or in extra secret pocket so you can look at the ashes when you would like! These are Nellies ashes and I put an “N” on the corner of the pocket. and left her a little note in the pocket where I can place random notes through out my life thinking about her.


I picked out rainbow patterned fabric, felt that was fitting! and I used a teal color for the pocket! I love teal! My sewing machine is super fancy and can sew on letters! I was trying to figure out how to spell her name, Nellie. But I got too frustrated and decided just to go with the “N.”


I used stuffing and these little weighted beads to give some weight to the pillow! It is so much more fun to hold a stuffed animal that has some weight to it.


Little Pinks

Sunday Morning I had some time to mount a bunny! This little baby was difficult to skin because of all the fat. But, we made it work out together. Seems like she broke one of her foots which was unsettling to hold.

I decided to watch a cheesy Christmas movie. I dont remember what it was called but it was something about a girl falling in love with a ghost that only appears during christmas time!? Ahaha.. was still comforting to hear some sort of noice. Besides the obvious snoring from Mae (my pug).

I usually dont think much when I skin an animal, it is just me and the animal. Which I TOTALLY enjoy because I am an anxious person that over thinks EVERYTHING!

WARNING! these photos arent the prettiest.. accept for the last one is pretty cute :)


This is fleshing! I love Fleshing. It is so satisfying. aha you are probably looking at this and being like.. wtf is that, it kind of looks like chicken!? aha. Well that is excessive fat from the skin that needs to be removed before the mounting process!


There are times that I make mistakes and either flesh to deep, cut into the skin too far, or something! That is seriously ok because it is such an easy fix. I use needle and thread! simple and easy, luckily the bunny is so fluffy no one will be able to see the hole!

OMFG! such a cutie.

OMFG! such a cutie.